Speed Networking and Review of 2022


12:00 - 13:10


Bookings closed

Event Type

It’s coming to the time of the year where things go quiet and we look forward to a bit of time away from work. To help prepare us, the ECN are adding a bit of fun to our final event of the year.

This year we’ve decided to combine our speed networking event with a round-up of what we’ve done over the year, key takeaways and what we are looking forward to next year. We’d love you to join us in your most festive attire and bring along the best festive bake you can make. We’ll be dishing out prizes (Amazon.co.uk eGift Vouchers) for attire and bakes our judges consider to be the best.

We know it’s been hard to meet new people and make connections over the last couple of years, so we are excited to open up opportunities to expand your circles. Whether you are looking to find like minded people, trying to find new job opportunities or searching for someone to fill a spot in your organisation the ECN speed networking event is the place to be.

You’ll have the opportunity to talk about what matters most to you and build a foundation for making a long lasting connection. Networking events not really your thing or worried you’ll be stuck for conversation? We’ve got you covered with our topical series of prompt cards.

Places are limited, so register your place today!

Members will need to login to their AGI account prior to booking and non-members, please continue below. Not a member of the AGI? Why not view our membership levels and how to join and enjoy a full range of benefits.


Bookings are closed for this event, please contact AGI Support on info@agi.org.uk