The AGI Council believe that Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) are vitally important to our industry, workplaces and community, and as such we have chosen them as an area of focus in 2022/23. We are establishing an Action Working Group (AWG) to consider how AGI could work to improve DEI within the Council, our members, and within the wider geospatial community.
We are seeking volunteers to join this AWG from amongst our membership. Our first task will be to establish the terms of reference of this working group, so this is a great opportunity to shape this important initiative from its inception. The time commitment is variable, depending on the activities and/or events programme that the Group wishes to undertake, but should be no more than 3 hours per month at present.
It’s vitally important that we hear and consider the views and experiences of all sectors of our community, and we recognise that not everyone can volunteer as much time to work on this as they might like. If you are interested in getting involved in the AWG, or want to be consulted or informed on our thinking and planned activity, please do get in touch – we would love to hear your ideas.
Please contact our AGI Office on