AGI Cymru

Representing the interests of the Welsh geospatial community

About AGI Cymru

The AGI Cymru national group is at the forefront for the use of Geography and Geographic Information in Wales.

As a sub-group of AGI our aims are to promote the development and use of geographic information in Wales by encouraging improvements in standards and providing training and networking opportunities through events, seminars and conferences.

AGI Cymru’s objectives are to:

  • Give Wales a voice within the AGI
  • Address Wales specific issues such as: language, rurality, economic development
  • Develop, monitor and ‘own’ the GI Strategy for Wales
  • Develop an annual programme of events in Wales culminating in the Annual Conference
  • Pick up and respond to Welsh issues e.g. consultations
  • Provide an opportunity for your opinions and ideas to be heard.

Our strength is bringing together a diversity of interests and experiences for the benefit of members. We act as a focus for the Welsh GI community and as a resource upon which you can call.

We want AGI Cymru to be truly representative and we provide members with training and networking opportunities through events, seminars and conferences so if you would like your aspirations and ideas taken forward or want to join us for professional and social event, then please contact us.

We do welcome new members (participating or corresponding) who are committed to sharing our vision. For information, please email AGI Cymru Co-Chairs Phil Barlow and Dave Roberts:

You can also keep up to date with AGI Cymru via:

Twitter: @AGI_Cymru