Are you interested in learning more about FME, networking with other users, and solving your data integration challenges? If so, we’ve got exciting news for you…! The Tensing FME UK Tour is coming your way in October this year.
Tensing UK will be hosting three exclusively FME focussed local user community events in October. We’re travelling to Great Britain’s three capital cities and will be delivering Tensing’s FME UK Tour events right on your doorstep. Our events will run in the afternoon and early evening at:
- London – 17th October 2023 – Geovation
- Cardiff – 19th October 2023 – Radisson Blu Hotel
- Edinburgh – 25th October 2023 – The Scotch Whisky Experience
Why a Tensing FME UK Tour?
Since Safe Software are running the first ever FME European User Conference, The Peak of Data Integration in Germany later this year, things are a little different when it comes to gathering FME users in the UK together. For over 12 years the FME World Tour (#fmewt) has been the mainstay of the annual geospatial event calendar, of anyone who cares intimately about data.
As Safe Software have shifted focus, Tensing wants to bring people together to discuss data challenges and network with other FME users in their region. We’ll do this with a little ‘local flavour’ and only put the focus on FME based solutions and features at the heart of the FME community. So, as a Welsh, Scottish or English FME user, consider this as an FME World Tour 2.0: local, focused informative and fun.
So, this October, Tensing invites GIS and data professionals to converge at our unique events designed for the FME UK community, so that we can explore the incredible FME Platform together. They’ll suit you if you’re a technical user of FME, someone who wants to understand if FME will suit your requirements, or you’re a data specialist looking to broaden your horizons. Come and join us at our event, the perfect opportunity to learn, network, and have some fun at the same time.
To find out more, register for an event and keep updated with news here https://www.tensing.com/en/fme-uk-tour.
Secure your spot as spaces are limited, and be part of Tensing’s FME UK Tour in October. Expand your skills, connect with industry professionals, and embark on a journey of discovery with Tensing and FME. See you soon!