The AGI and the AGI groups run various events during the year. These are well attended by many members and non-members from the GeoCommunity.
If you are already a current member of the AGI simply login or if you have not yet accessed your membership record, prior to registering for and AGI event you will need to select the ‘Forgotten Password’ function and then reset your password, once logged in you can then proceed with your booking.
The portal will populate some of the data for you and details of the AGI events you have attended will be added to your membership record.
For our events that are open to no-member who do not wish to join the AGI then you will be able to set up a ‘user account’. Once you have a user account in place you will need to sign into register for future AGI events.
You will have an option to join from your user account if you wish.
If you require any further assistance, please feel free to contact the AGI office on