London, 05 January 2023 – The Association for Geographic Information (AGI), has supported a UK government report on how location data can drive the rollout of electric vehicle infrastructure. The AGI hosted a roundtable to discuss opportunities for geospatial to build a chargepoint network that works for everyone, everywhere. The findings of this have now been used to support the Geospatial Commission’s policy development which has culminated with the publication of ‘Getting to the Point: Accelerating EV chargepoint rollout through geospatial data’.
The report proposes that to build a chargepoint network that can work for everyone, chargepoints must be rolled out where they are needed for today and tomorrow. Location data is key to building the right infrastructure in the right places, giving confidence to current and future EV owners that they can efficiently reach their destination. The report identifies how location data can help model future demand, select suitable sites, create a seamless consumer experience and track rollout.
Joe Cuddeford, Deputy Director at the Geospatial Commission, said: “I am grateful to the AGI for convening a diverse mix of stakeholders to help us understand the role of location data in EV chargepoint rollout. The geospatial sector has a crucial role in delivering the UK’s vision of an EV chargepoint network that works for everyone, wherever they live, work and travel.”
Adam Burke, Chair of the Association for Geographic information said: “As an independent industry body, we are uniquely placed to bring together organisations that are charged with delivering EV charging infrastructure with organisations who have access to the data, technology and know-how to model demand and identify suitable locations.
“The geospatial sector also has an integral role to play in making chargepoint data more findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable, improving the customer experience, and providing metrics for tracking its rollout and use.”
The roundtable event, held as part of the AGI’s Annual Conference GeoCom, was chaired by Geospatial Commission commissioner Dr Steve Unger and convened 13 organisations from across government and industry, including ConnectedKerb, GeoPlace, Google, NHS, Ordnance Survey, TfL and ZapMap.
Ian Maxfield, Associate Director of Geospatial Services at NHS South, Central and West, who took part in the discussions, said: “A staggering 3.5 per cent of all road travel in England relates to patients, visitors, staff and suppliers to the NHS. We know effective take up of zero-emission vehicles will require a comprehensive electric charging infrastructure across the NHS estate but this must happen in parallel with a wider rollout in the community.”