Once again its been another packed year of events, outreach activities and engagement. Highlights included the much anticipated return of the AGI Awards, publication of industry and sector reports on skills and the role of geo to support the new government, the launch of an Earth Observation Network and an update to our CPD programme.
2024 also featured meetings of our existing national and regional groups, culminating in another hugely successful GeoCom event.
One of the other activities we have been working on is the publication of our annual Year in Review document. This is an important benchmark for the Association as it allows us time to reflect on the past year, and the achievements and milestones made, whilst looking forward to and signposting some of our plans and ambitions for the year to come which include GeoCom 25 hosted by AGI Scotland and a new event in the geo calendar to launch the AGI Foresight report.
Detailing all of these events and activities, and more, we hope this is an interesting read and might even encourage you to become more involved and engaged with AGI, its national groups, networks and events.
Don’t forget to share with your colleagues who may also have an interest in all things geo.