Association for Geographic Information AGM 2020

The AGI Annual General Meeting 2020 (AGM)

All AGI members where encouraged to attend the AGI which took place on the 30 November, and we were delighted with the attendee numbers

This is an important event in the AGI calendar giving our members the opportunity to hear what the AGI have been doing over the past year and our plans for the future.  It was also an opportunity to hear the results of our recent member survey and to learn what we are doing, because of the feedback.

Members can view the AGM recording, by clicking here.

As announced at the AGM we would like to welcome our three newest council members, Jo Cook, Ian Maxfield and Steven Zhang.

Jo Cook joins the AGI Council from Astun Technology where she current works as a Data Discoverability Lead.  She is the founder and current chair of the UK chapter of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation and sits on their software incubation committee. Jo has a passion for problem solving and enabling, good documentation, and lowering barriers to entry. She hopes to use those things in the service of promoting the use of geospatial standards as part of AGI Council.

Ian Maxfield has a range of skills and experience within the Geospatial profession and has worked
in the field of GIS for 18 years with roles in Local Authority, Renewable Energy, and his current role within the NHS. As a former teacher of Geography and experience with university lecturing, Ian is keen to get students at all levels involved with GIS.

Steven Zhang

Steven Zhang is an experienced professional in the low-carbon and sustainable development industry.  As a long-standing member of the AGI, Steven is looking forward to joining the exciting journey of ‘Hitting Net Zero’ and ‘Sustainable (R)evolution by empowering more people to apply geographic information to tackle the global challenges.

The AGI Council comprises:

Chair, Denise McKenzie
Vice Chair, James Cutler
Treasurer, Peter Reynolds
Honorary Secretary, Tom Timms
Matthew Lever
Katherine Smyth
Stephen Croney
Morgan Commins
Richard Duffield
Elly Ball
Alan Moore
Rachel Higgins
Adam Burke

The AGI is the UK’s largest membership organisation for the geospatial sector with over 1000 individual, student and corporate members.