Press Release, Stevenage, UK, 17th October 2022
Cadcorp has been awarded a place in the Digital Marketplace as a supplier of GIS, web mapping and data services under G-Cloud 13.
The British geospatial technology company offers the following GIS software and services in the cloud: Cadcorp SIS Desktop, SIS WebMap, SIS Notice Board™, Spatial Database Service and Map and Data Service.
Cadcorp has included the recently released Cadcorp Data Service as part of its expanding G-Cloud services. The managed service provides direct access to a wide range of open data directly from a secure Cadcorp datastore. The service allows customers to easily access data overlays within SIS Desktop and SIS WebMap. It provides a central location for numerous datasets from multiple organisations. Open data suppliers include: British Geological Survey; Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities; Environment Agency; Historic England; Natural England; and Ordnance Survey®. As part of the cloud service, Cadcorp keeps the datastore updated and plans to add additional datasets and data suppliers.
For organisations with a larger number of GIS users, a range of SIS Desktop in the cloud concurrent licence options are now available. The SIS Desktop cloud service allows users to access the full functionality of a desktop GIS either as a virtual application or via a web browser. It is quick and easy to set up for remote and flexible working as no specialist hardware or resources are required. It includes support services, an application health check, cloud file storage, and access to Cadcorp’s Map and Data Services as standard. SIS Desktop in the cloud integrates with other online services and is maintained and upgraded by Cadcorp, allowing customers to quickly benefit from new features in the latest release.
Other enhancements include Cadcorp SIS WebMap for Power BI support for polygons and lines. In addition to working with point data, users can select both polygons and lines within their Power BI map visual and interact with other visuals within a report.
The G-Cloud 13 framework is due to be launched 9th November 2022. Cadcorp is categorised under cloud software.
Cadcorp is hosting a webinar focused on ‘Considering cloud GIS as part of the digital agenda’ on 15th November 2022. Designed for public sector organisations, the webinar will discuss key factors driving cloud-hosted GIS, and procurement options including G-Cloud. To register, click here.
About Cadcorp
Cadcorp is a British software development company focused on geographic information system (GIS) and web mapping software. It offers a complete suite of products – the Cadcorp Spatial Information System® (Cadcorp SIS®) – addressing all phases of spatial information management. Cadcorp SIS® is available worldwide through a network of Cadcorp partners and via a direct sales team in the UK, Cadcorp is an approved GIS supplier on G-Cloud.
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