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Cadcorp SIS 9 service release extends support for Ordnance Survey data formats

Ordnance Survey (OS) OpenData products in OGC GeoPackage format fully supported in Cadcorp SIS

Stevenage, 9 May 2019 – The first service release to Cadcorp SIS 9 consolidates all updates made since the version’s release on 19th November 2018.

SIS 9 supported OS Open Zoomstack data in its pre-release format from the outset. In this latest service release, support for OS data released January 2019 onwards has been brought up-to-date. Cadcorp SIS users can open data in OGC GeoPackage and select cartography from the four standard OS styles – ‘Light’, ‘Outdoor’, ‘Road’ and ‘Night’, and the Cadcorp defined ‘Grayscale’. OS Open Zoomstack opened from Mapbox MBTiles is also automatically styled.

The software’s OS Open Data Loader allows OS Open Zoomstack in OGC GeoPackage to be loaded into SQL Server, PostGIS and Oracle for corporate, network access to the data. OS Open Zoomstack data stored in these databases can be opened within Cadcorp SIS Desktop and styled by its ‘Add Overlay’ wizard.

Continuing apace with other recent OS data updates, support is provided for OS Open Greenspace, OS Terrain 50 Contours, and OS VectorMap District in OGC GeoPackage format.

As with all OS products, Cadcorp SIS loads the data directly into the software from the supplied files, and structures and styles the data so it is ready for immediate use and cartographic output.

To improve the performance of mapping services, the style padding property can be added to an overlay, rather than from an SWD. This optimises resources for drawing against individual layers as required, rather than applying the padding to all layers in an SWD.

Using the underlying mapping engine, Cadcorp GeognoSIS, users of  Cadcorp SIS WebMap can also make use of  the updated OS format support. In addition, PDF output from SIS WebMap automatically includes a dynamic scale bar.

The service release incorporates a number of bug fixes, software updates and performance enhancements. For more information, visit

About Cadcorp
Cadcorp is a British software development company focused on geographic information system (GIS) and web mapping software. It offers a complete suite of products – the Cadcorp Spatial Information System® (Cadcorp SIS®) – addressing all phases of spatial information management. Cadcorp SIS® is available worldwide through a network of Cadcorp partners and via a direct sales team in the UK, Cadcorp is an approved GIS supplier on G-Cloud.

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