A seminar series presenting topics in the broad areas of geographical information and remote sensing. This prestigious series combines research seminars with talks of professional interest and is open to students and staff across the University and beyond, together with professionals in the field.
We are pleased to host these seminar events, organised by the Edinburgh Earth Observatory and supported by the Association for Geographic Information in Scotland (AGI Scotland) as a professional seminar series.
Events are open to all University staff and students, as well as visitors from the general public and professional organisations.
Talks are timed for the late afternoon to bring a social dimension.
What are the seminars about?
Talks are given by top-ranking academics and researchers and industry-leading professionals from across the UK, Europe, and worldwide. The series aims to interest the broadest possible audience by promoting ‘hot’ research, policy and professional debates, together with novel technologies and organisational issues. We ask our speakers to think broadly about the implications of their work, be bold and encourage discussion and debate wherever possible.
These seminars also represent an important networking opportunity, with a growing audience comprising some of the key players in the Scottish geographical information industry. Talks are followed by AGI Geo-Drinks, which take place in the Teviot Library Bar, allowing plenty of room for informal professional networking. Please note: due to Covid-19, all events are currently hosted online until further notice.
Our typical audience numbers 40-60 and combines staff and students from the School of GeoSciences, School of Informatics and the wider University, with professional colleagues from the Scottish Government, British Geological Survey, EDINA, Registers for Scotland, Historic Environment Scotland, Forest Research and several SMEs from across Central Scotland and beyond.
Suggestions for future speakers are most welcome.
Upcoming events
9 July 2021 hear from Dr Jochen L Leidner, Professor of Al at Coburg University, talking about Analysing Planet Earth by Proxy: Earth Observations. Find further information and to register directly with EEO here
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