AGI 2019 Election Announcement

The Association for Geographic Information (AGI) is delighted to welcome aboard five members newly-elected to serve the AGI’s Council for three years from 1st January 2019.


  • James Cutler
  • Matthew Leaver
  • Richard Duffield
  • Stephen Croney
  • Steven Campbell

With thanks to everyone who took part in this year’s nomination process, the Council notes that this intake of elected members represents substantial experience across the industry and community. The incoming Council members will join those who continue their term.

Abigail Page, AGI Chair, says, “At this exciting time for the AGI, and the opportunities for geospatial in the UK, I’m delighted that we have received such strong interest in our call for Council members. We must act together to create opportunities and influence change at the highest levels to deliver our mission at scale. I look forward to welcoming our incoming Council members for 2019 in person in a few weeks’ time at our next Council meeting in December.

A brief introduction to the new Council members: 

James Cutler James is a geographer, entrepreneur, commentator and RGS fellow. As CEO of emapsite he has been involved with geographic information in its widest view for many years. James re-joins council after serving for the previous 3 years and continues his support on outreach, engagement and influence for current and new users and stakeholders.

Matthew Leaver – Matthew is a geospatial professional who has worked across the private and public sector for the last 15 years. As well as leading a team of 40 across the UK and India as the Technical Director for Arcadis, he is also the Arcadis global GIS community lead, overseeing a global community of around 200 GIS professionals, facilitating knowledge transfer around technology, best practice and opportunities.

Richard Duffield – Currently at GeoPlace, Richard has worked on the UK national Gazetteers for 13 years and has seen first hand the power of data and our community. He has broad experience across the industry working with a range of sectors and recognises the benefits from being a member of the AGI since the start of his career and the need for a strong representative organisation for geographic information professionals.

Stephen Croney – Stephen has been involved in GI for 18 years. Starting out as a student completing a GIS and Business Administration degree, before working in Local Government and most recently with Esri UK working with Central Government organisations. As a passionate geographer he sees the power and transformational role that GIS can have.

Steven Campbell – Currently at the Ministry of Housing, Communities, and Local Government, Steven continues to be a vocal supporter of the importance of geography and location in improving the quality of work that can be delivered. Steven has been actively involved in the Public Sector Mapping Agreement (PSMA) representing PSMA users and helping to improve quality and clarity of this agreement.


About the Association for Geographic Information

The Association for Geographic Information (AGI) is the membership organisation for the UK geospatial industry. The AGI exists to promote the knowledge and use of Geographic Information for the betterment of governance, commerce and the citizen.

The AGI represent the interests of the UK’s Geographic Information industry; a wide-ranging group of public and private sector organisations, suppliers of Geographic Information/ geospatial software, hardware, data and services, consultants, academics and interested individuals. The AGI, by way of its unique membership forum, brings together this previously disparate community to share ideas on best practice, experience and innovation, and offers access to unparalleled networking opportunities with significant business benefits. But the AGI also wants to facilitate exposure outside of this community, to the challenges and opportunities which are being or need to be met, which could benefit from a collaborative effort from the industry. As such the AGI acts on behalf of the community as whole. Since its formal inception in 1989, it has built up a significant membership base and established itself as the respected voice in geospatial and is the membership body for everyone with an interest or involvement with geospatial.