AGI Cymru

Event Summary: Better Mapping Wales

On 28th June 2018, Cardiff hosted the first Better Mapping seminar series in Wales, a joint venture between the British Cartographic Society, Royal Geographical Society (With IBG), supported and hosted by AGI Cymru.   In a first tri branded event of its sort AGI Cymru worked with BCS and RGS to bring the popular the event to Wales.

With a busy and full agenda, the morning focused on a variety of talks promoting Mapping in Wales, followed by the Better Mapping seminar series in the afternoon.  Adam Burke current chair of AGI Cymru gave an overview of the mapping projects across wales, and some of the successful work AGI Cymru have lead on.   Warren Vick from Europa Technologies followed this with the trend to consume maps as service with examples from the Welsh Government.  Tom Pert and Jon Dollery from the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historic Monuments of Wales, delivered the keynote session promoting some of the mapping and online resources they currently provide.


James Kendall, RGS professional officer for Chartered Geographer accreditation gave a presentation of the scheme and how people could apply for the accreditation.

The afternoon session focused purely on the better Mapping seminar series which was delivered by cartographic experts Chris Wesson, Mary Spence, Vick Warren, and Giles Darkes.  Split into three sessions each one just as exciting as the last.

  • Getting Started with maps
  • What makes a good map
  • Creating better maps.

Each presentation gave hints and tips on producing better maps which included everything from the planning a map (including the best use of colour) to delivering the final map in the most appropriate format.

A truly exciting day showing a variety of cartographically pleasing examples and some “not so fine-tuned examples”. The take home message from the event was “There no such thing as right and wrong maps just good and bad maps”.

Overall a truly successful event delivered by the three organisations.  Don’t forget, you can join AGI Cymru at our next event “Geo Cymru” on 5th October, registration opening soon.