AGI Standards Webinar: What are they and why do they matter? - Registrations Open


14:00 - 15:30


Bookings closed

Event Type

Hear from the leading UK geospatial data standards leads on what standards are, what they do, how they work and why we should all be spending a little bit more time getting to know why they matter. Geospatial data standards are much more than just technical documents to implement, although they do perform that important function, they also represent our willingness to collaborate internationally. International collaboration is vitally important to solve the biggest challenges of our times.

This webinar from the AGI Action Working Group for Standards will also include an introduction to the recently launched National Geospatial Data Standards Register, a UK-based geospatial data standards use case, and the work of an international open standards organisation.

The webinar will be hosted by AGI Council director and standards lead, Jo Cook (Astun Technology). Our speaker line up is:

Allan Jamieson, Data Standards Lead at Ordnance Survey
Gobe Hobona, Director of Product Management, Standards at the Open Geospatial Consortium
Carsten Roensdorf, Strategic Propositions Manager at Ordnance Survey

This webinar is suitable for all professionals and practitioners working with geographic information. This webinar is free to attend.

Registrations for this event closed on Tuesday 19 July at 14:00. Joining instructions have been sent to all registered delegates. Any queries, please contact AGI Member Support on

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Bookings are closed for this event, please contact AGI Support on