GeoCommunity is the flagship event of the Association for Geographic Information (AGI). Organised by geospatial professionals for geospatial professionals, it connects the UK GeoCommunity with specialist senior-level speakers to help shape the latest thinking on a host of topics relevant to the UK geospatial sector.
GeoCom20: Sustainable (R)evolution
Geospatial and its role in providing a new vision of sustainability at a time of rapid (r)evolution is the focus of GeoCom20, which takes place online on the 3 December and is completely free to attend.
To view the terms and conditions of booking, please click here
AGI #GeoCom20 is supported by:
Platinum Supporter: Ordnance Survey
Gold Supporters: Cadline Ltd, Esri (UK) Ltd, Europa Technologies, Geomni UK, Geoplace
Silver Supporters: thinkWhere, 1Spatial
Charity Partner: MapAction
Bookings are closed for this event, please contact AGI Support on info@agi.org.uk