ArcGIS (ArcMap): Introduction to Coastal and Marine GIS (Online)


25/02/2025 - 27/02/2025    
09:00 - 17:00

Event Type

Delivering sustainable development in the marine environment requires a balance to be achieved between resource use and protection of our seas. Spatial data is increasingly important in such decision making being used for marine planning, conflict management and environmental management.

GeoData’s experienced GIS trainers have teamed up with ABPmer GIS Consultants, who specialise in the coastal and marine sector, to create a course that will provide you with the background and skills necessary to utilise these powerful tools and techniques.
The course introduces GIS concepts and techniques using ArcGIS 10.  In addition, it describes available Coastal and Marine GIS datasets, which also form the basis for the course exercises.

A project showcase, drawn from ABPmer’s portfolio, illustrates how these datasets can be used within GIS to support coastal and marine decision making.
The course also considers common problems faced when mapping the coastal and offshore zones (including projections, vertical datums etc.) and offers a GIS Clinic, where delegates have the opportunity to discuss their own specific issues with the experts.

Find more information and register directly with GeoData – University of Southampton

Continuing Professional Development