EEO-AGI Scotland Professional Seminar


17:00 - 18:00

Event Type

A professional seminar series in all things GIS, Earth Observation and GeoSpatial hosted by the University of Edinburgh’s School of GeoSciences in conjunction with the Association for Geographic Information.

This Friday, 3rd December, 5-6pm on Zoom, we welcome Steven Ramage, Chief Engagement Officer at the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), Geneva.  He talk is entitled: “Earth observations: sensors in, on and around the Earth”

The seminar will take place online on Zoom.  Please sign up below at Eventbrite for full details.  (We are acutely aware of the issues involved in the UCU strike action scheduled to ‘end’ that day however due to the online and 5pm nature of the talk, and our large industry/public audience, we have decided on this occasion to proceed as planned.)

Please do feel free to advertise the event more widely, however we request that you only share the Eventbrite or web link.


Keep updated with newly confirmed talks!*