EEO-AGIS Seminar 8th November: Yvette Hopkins, Space ports, A conversation about what they are and what they mean for Scotland. *ECCI Conference room*
Following on from a fantastic opening to the 2024/25 EEO-AGIS Seminar Series, we have an equally great next guest lined up. Yvette Hopkins is a visionary leader in the Scottish innovation landscape, with positions on the boards of Craft Prospect, Womens Enterprise Scotland and the UK-Africa Space Tech Innovation Network. Yvette was previously a director at SaxaVord Spaceport, where she played a vital role in developing the UK’s first vertical launch spaceport. Yvette is therefore supremely qualified to give us an insight into what spaceports are, what they will launch, and what opportunities and challenges they may bring in the future for Scotland.
This will also be a departure from our usual format as it will take the form of a chaired conversation, with opportunity for audience participation. So please come armed with all of your burning questions about spaceports and Yvette will do her best to answer them.
The seminar will take place on Friday 8th November at 5PM in our new location the ECCI Conference Room (https://tinyurl.com/EEOAGIS), followed by networking drinks in the Pleasance Bar. For those joining online zoom details are below.
Topic: EEO-AGIS Seminar
Time: Nov 8, 2024 05:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 817 6079 0324
Passcode: 2p6YzjtV
It should be a great evening, and we look forward to seeing you all.