FME Server Authoring Course - 1Spatial


08/06/2021 - 09/06/2021    
09:00 - 17:00

Event Type

This course is key for FME users intending to author workspaces for use on FME Server. It will focus on FME Desktop functionality with specific relevance for FME Server implementation.

This includes sessions on the use of parameters, different FME Services and how to author for them, and advanced workflows designed for FME Server.
The FME Server training course is suitable for you if:

  • You have been using FME Desktop for a while and you’d like to discover some more of FME’s enterprise capabilities
  • You’d like to deploy FME capabilities to colleagues or customers via the web
  • You’d like to dynamically distribute data via a self-service web application
  • You’d like to move your FME processing tasks to a server environment with suitable failover, scalability and scheduling

Learn from the experts how to use the essential components and capabilities in FME through personal tuition in this two-day course, which includes extensive hands-on, problem-solving exercises.

Find more information and register directly with 1Spatial here.

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