AGI Cymru’s Annual GeoCymru event takes place on Friday September 24th 2021. Following on from our successful conference last year on Geospatial Information supporting Covid-19, our theme this year is the Green Recovery post-pandemic.
As a nation, we have an opportunity to adjust our values according to sustainability to build a better future for all and for generations to come. Green Recovery makes a difference by ensuring reductions in carbon emissions to improve the quality of the environment shared by all life on our planet. Green infrastructure development recognises that humans are part of nature and provides opportunities to increase biodiversity and thereby the resilience of our workforce and communities.
Wales is well placed to deliver the Green Recovery with world-leading progressive laws to protect our environment and our future generations. The Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013 is delivering improved transport networks across Wales for healthier non-motorised transport. The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 requires public bodies to apply the sustainable development principles. The Environment (Wales) Act 2016 promotes sustainable planning and management of our natural resources. The Planning (Wales) Act 2015 ensures appropriate and sustainable development.
Our annual conference is critical to our mission to serve and nurture a thriving geospatial community, and we depend on the support of our sponsors to ensure we are able to make events like this as accessible as possible to anyone with an interest in geographic information.
As such, we would be grateful if you could please consider and grant us permission to share a portion of your registration details with them by ticking the relevant input box in the form below. Please rest assured: you are under no obligation to do so in order to register or attend this event, and we are eager to welcome you at our conference regardless.
This event has been made possible by our generous sponsors:
Registrations for this event will close on Wednesday 22 September at 17:00. Joining instructions will be sent to registered delegate. If you require any assistance, please feel free to contact AGI Support on info@agi.org.uk
Download our agenda.
Members will need to login to their AGI account prior to booking and non-member, please continue below. Not a member of the AGI? Why not click here to view our membership levels and how to join and enjoy a full range of benefits.
Bookings are closed for this event, please contact AGI Support on info@agi.org.uk