Getting up to speed with real-time in ArcGIS


11:00 - 11:45

Event Type

Join this webinar to get up to speed with what real-time capabilities ArcGIS has to offer. In today’s fast-paced world, the ability to ingest, visualise and analyse real-time data is crucial for quickly understanding and responding to events. Real-time data is everywhere, and in this webinar we will start by showing how simple it can be to display live data on a map in ArcGIS. Stepping it up, we will then demonstrate how you can ingest real-time feeds from IoT sensors and visualise them as a live map layer. ArcGIS Velocity can take it one step further and analyse live data as its coming in. We’ll then show how all this can be monitored and assessed using ArcGIS Dashboards, helping you to quickly respond to events and gain 24/7 insights into your assets and operations.

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