The Mastering ArcGIS Online WebMap Interactions with the ArcGIS API for Python course is a deep dive into programmatically creating, manipulating, and updating WebMap content in ArcGIS Online. We will see some cool tricks such as reordering layers, creating bookmarks, and enabling search. We will dissect WebMaps for all that they are and by the end of this course you will be comfortable with manipulating the JSON, which is the behind the scenes configuration of a WebMap, to produce scripts for workflows where there is currently no API Python method, such as grouping layers.
This course will run from April 2nd to April 11th on Tuesday & Thursday between 7-9pm GMT. We will take a deep dive into using the ArcGIS API for Python to create, manipulate, and update WebMap elements in ArcGIS Online.
Find more information and contact Final Draft Mapping directly