Where’s the harm? Geospatial data ethics in practice


14:00 - 15:00


Bookings closed

Event Type

Earlier this year, the Locus Charter was launched, proposing a set of shared international principles to support responsible practice with location data. But how do you put ethics into practice in your day-to-day work? What does responsible practice mean for geospatial data experts and for the much wider circle of professionals whose work makes use of insights from geospatial data and analytics?

Benchmark brings together senior geospatial experts from the Association for Geographic Information and the Royal Geographical Society, to talk about what can go wrong, where trade-offs can be necessary, and how to manage the challenges to gain the benefits.

Presentations and Panel Discussions – Confirmed Speakers:

Chair: Denise McKenzie, Co-Director, Benchmark Initiative; Chair, Board of Directors, AGI
Charles Kennelly, CTO, ESRI UK
Mariam Crichton, Group MD, 4 Earth Intelligence
Miranda Sharp, CEO Metis Digital; Member of the Smart London Board
Ben Hawes, Benchmark Initiative (Locus Charter) 

Registration is Free. Members will need to login to their AGI account prior to booking and non-members, please continue below. Not a member of the AGI? Why not view our membership levels and how to join and enjoy a full range of benefits.

Registrations for this virtual event will close at 10:00am Tuesday 6 July. Joining instructions for GoToWebinar will be sent to registered participants prior to the event.  Any queries, please feel free to contact the AGI Office on info@agi.org.uk


Bookings are closed for this event, please contact AGI Support on info@agi.org.uk