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FindMyStreet 2.0 – check which streets are maintained at public expense for free

In 2019, we made it possible, free of charge, for anyone to see the name and location of every street in England and Wales and to understand which ones are maintained at public expense.

Now we’ve improved the FindMyStreet service, making it more useful and even easier to use. FindMyStreet will go live on 18/02/21 with all of these updates in place:

  • A single click on the List of Streets will lead you directly to the map, which we’ve improved to show more details
  • Our search tool is more intuitive – making it easier to find the streets you’re interested in – and the list of streets can now be filtered by town
  • We’ve improved the dual language map display, and improved the way FindMyStreets shows the Welsh language
  • You can share a specific USRN with someone else, and cross reference Type 3 USRNs within Elementary Street Units
  • Our FAQs now signpost street data products including OSMM Highways

FindMyStreet uses the National Street Gazetteer to reveal useful information about who’s responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of streets in England and Wales.

It’s an important tool as it reduces the burden on local authorities who have to handle those queries manually. FindMyStreet also helps local highway authorities to meet their Highways Act Section 36 (6) obligations.

Try FindMyStreet here.

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