#GeoCom18 – Solving the Productivity Puzzle

This year, the AGI’s annual conference – GeoCom18 – will focus on a challenge faced by our nation as a whole: Productivity. We’ll be looking at the opportunities for location intelligence to re-ignite the British economy, to help businesses improve their output, and to solve the productivity puzzle.


This year we are excited to launch our very own event site. We hope this provides both members and non-members a more thorough insight into this year’s annual conference.

At GeoCom, we highlight challenges and opportunities alike – not only for our community, but also for the sectors and industries in which our members are working. Our aim is to bring the right people together: introducing inspiring speakers to ambitious and curious delegates.

With that in mind, our theme at GeoCom18 will be productivity, and the vital role for location intelligence in helping to solve the productivity puzzle.

What is productivity?

Every nation’s economy thrives (or struggles to survive) on the goods and services that are delivered by its citizens. That rate of delivery is measured in terms of ‘productivity’, per person per hour or year. In theory, as investment in skills and technology increases, so should productivity.

If each worker can produce more, that brings in more revenue and raise the hourly wage. In short, companies have to get more from their resources – and as we know, greater adoption and use of location intelligence in business can be the key to commercial progress (and profits).

The role of location intelligence

At GeoCom18, we’ll be introducing speakers from a range of sectors tackling the challenges around productivity today – some using location intelligence, others with problems still to solve.

Some who’ve overcome the most pressing challenges, others with opportunities that still need to be explored; using digitalisation and visualisation tools to simulate business and create momentous change in productivity levels; drawing on internal knowledge, incorporating best practice, and using that information to plan change from within – to visualise change across their businesses and remap designs or processes for more efficiency, overall.

At a time when international relations are taking up the headlines, the UK is proud to host some of the world’s leading practitioners and providers of location intelligence – and we’re delighted to offer GeoCom as a platform for everyone with an interest in the nation’s productivity. Sponsors, speakers, and delegates alike…

“GeoCom18 will be a showcase of opportunities for location intelligence. Better access to data and advances in technology may excite us – whichever sector we’re working in – but software and data and people and processes must be connected; interoperable; design-led and independent. The role for structure is clear, as is the demonstrable importance of location intelligence in identifying potential improvements in practice and processes, which leads to greater productivity…” 

Save the date – November 8th!

We’ll be announcing news about our line-up of speakers for GeoCom18 over the coming weeks and will be encouraging our sponsors to highlight the work they’re already doing to boost productivity.

In the meantime, this is an opportune time to save the date and make a location of the venue – we’ll be at the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), on 8th November 2018 – and to share the news among colleagues that you’ll be coming to the AGI’s annual conference.

In addition to GeoCom18, the AGI also taking part in the inaugural UK Mapping Festival (Sept 2nd – 7th), at which we’ll be focusing on the value of geo in underpinning business.

At GeoCom18, however, our speakers will specialise in highlighting the role for location intelligence as the catalyst for a productive British economy – looking at best practice in a range of sectors, and identifying opportunities for location practitioners of all kinds.

Follow us at @geocommunity for more news of speakers, sponsors, and EarlyBird tickets, of course!

We are very pleased to announce our first Gold and Silver Sponsors!

Our sponsors play a very key role in our flagship event – without them #GeoCom18 wouldn’t happen. We have a range of packages on offer, and some new, exciting benefits this year. So…if your business is interested, why not get in touch – info@agi.org.uk