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Geovation the innovation and business start-up support hub

In 2015 Approx. 5,000 items of marine plastic pollution have been found per mile of beach in the UK and plastic production has been forecast to treble by 2050.

The damage caused by plastic is multi-faceted:

Plastic particles directly impact marine animals by choking or entangling them to their death.

The accumulation of plastic causes a reduction in light levels in underlying waters, lowers oxygen levels, and therefore triggers a general degradation of the habitats.

The ripple effect is global: coastal areas serve as breeding grounds to most marine species. If these habitats deteriorate, species have nowhere to breed and risk extinction.

We want to find a solution.

We are planning on running a 6-8 week innovation challenge in Autumn 2021 to explore the problem, identify and ideate on solutions, and put them to the test.

To do so we are gathering the best data available (Ordnance Survey’s geo data and UKHO’s maritime data), the brightest minds, innovators and start-ups to work together and propose real solutions.

Our approach is grounded in research and collaboration. We are looking for likeminded organisations to help us unlock this challenge and join in to find solutions to this endemic problem. Want to join us? We would love to have a chat and tell you more! Please contact for more details“

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