JAG(UK) has appointed Dave Capon as its new CEO. Dave will be taking over from Jerry McConkey, who has stepped down from JAGUK) after 6 years at the helm.
Dave Capon’s new role as JAG(UK)’s CEO is at an exciting and challenging time for the streetworks industry. Climate change and the provision of top-notch broadband are at the forefront of government’s, and people’s mind as UK seeks to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. JAG(UK) has a role in furthering both challenges.
JAG(UK) focuses on the daily operation, the coordination of works for asset or utility network management and other events taking place on the highway and represents all 209 street and road authorities across the UK.
Government is clear that street works and maintenance activity should carry on during the COVID-19 situation, as they will be essential for getting the economy going again.
JAG(UK) is working closely with every agency involved to manage the effects of restrictions. This is an industry-wide support role, working closely with Governments, utility companies and highway authorities to maintain services and prepare for changes as the crisis unfolds. The industry has solid framework legislation, but needs to be agile, consistent, and transparent in its thinking and delivery.
Dave has a particular focus on climate change. He will be spearheading the JAG(UK)’s transition from a linear economy to a circular one. He says: “The UK is structurally addicted to growth. The demand for resources is contributing to acidifying the oceans and damaging the ozone. The world operates a linear economy, which is running down the living planet; we take raw materials, we make something, we use it but we lose the original resource as it’s not replaced. To deliver sustainable, effective change in that model, we must alter our business as usual processes.”
In his role as the new CEO, Dave Capon will ensure that JAG(UK) is working closely with industry at all levels to try and increase the strategic connectivity among agencies involved in this complex subject. Reducing emissions and congestion are key and JAG(UK) has been at the forefront of supporting the community in terms of permit scheme development, electrical vehicle charging, the Department for Transport’s Street Manager project and the increase in demand for district heating schemes.
COVID-19 has highlighted the vital requirement for the economy and for people’s everyday lives of top-quality communications. JAG(UK) is working with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’s Barrier Busting Task force to minimise obstacles to investment and reduce roll out cost. Deployment of the fibre network will necessitate roads being dug-up and JAG(UK) is working with government and operators to keep disruption on the network to a minimum through the development of a toolkit which will help to improve consistency and trust, promoting collaboration between local authorities and operators as well as complementing current legislation.
Dave says: “I am delighted to be leading JAG(UK) into its next era. As the organisation’s new CEO, my focus will be on ensuring we support the innovation that’s crucial for overcoming challenges and helping to meet the needs of the nation – bridging the gap between governments, the street and road works industry, local authorities and citizens.”
About JAG(UK)
JAG(UK) is a sister organisation to GeoPlace. It represents all 209 Street and Road Authorities in Street and Road Works matters relating to the New Roads and Street Works Act: 1991 and the relevant parts of the Traffic Management Act 2004. JAG (UK) is the mechanism through which Street and Road Authorities are represented on the Highway Authorities and Utilities Committee(UK). JAG(UK)’s member organisations are primarily local authorities and similar bodies whose principal activities are governed by highways, street, road and traffic management legislation.
JAG(UK) has a dedicated page on its website that brings together the guidance notes from JAG(UK), HAUC(UK), DfT, Welsh and Scottish Governments around street and road works. See https://www.jaguk.org/news/covid-19-guidance.
See https://www.jaguk.org/home
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