GeoPlace is running a project on Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs*), which govern the way that people, vehicles, cyclists and horse riders use the roads.
It involves this short survey – their 2-minute video explains it all.
Making TROs work harder for everyone
In this project, GeoPlace would like to find out YOUR views to discover:
- where the TRO process is working (or not)
- how to could get more from the current system, and
- how to better support the transport network of the future.
There’s a consultation launch on the Department for Transport’s website, and the whole TRO Discovery project is being supported by the Department for Transport, the British Parking Association and Ordnance Survey too.
Your view is very important
TROs don’t get the spotlight they deserve. Whether they’re an everyday part of your role, or you’re only on the edge of TROs – GeoPlace very much values your views.
So, would you mind taking the short survey please? We’d love it if you passed the link on, too – the more responses GeoPlace gets, the better the results will be for everyone.
Thank you.
PS: To find out more about the TRO Discovery Project, you’re also welcome to email GeoPlace directly at:
* On a technical note, the blanket term Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) covers the wide variety of orders made under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. These can also be known as Traffic Management Orders (TMOs) in London and off-street Parking Places Orders (PPOs) in car parks.
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