OpenSource GIS Integration


14/10/2025 - 15/10/2025    
All Day

Event Type

This two-day intensive course introduces you to the core functionality of PostGIS, QGIS, GeoServer and OpenLayers, taking you through all the tools you will need to load, spatially analyse, publish and share geospatial data. This course is designed specifically by Open Source GIS software specialists to demonstrate how to setup and successfully utilise Open Source GIS, spatial databases and web mapping services in an integrated environment.

The course is delivered using instructor-led real world examples where you learn by ‘doing’.

The course covers topics including, installation and configuration of all software, loading vector data into a spatial database, connecting to a spatial database and then undertaking GIS analysis, manipulating spatial data, publishing and connecting to WMS and WFS services and utilising OpenLayers to explore web mapping capabilities.

Find more information and register directly with Arkance

Continuing Professional Development