Europa technologies

viaEuropa – a new look for a new year

Europa Technologies has updated the standard cartography on its award-winning viaEuropa platform. The service provides fast and convenient access to a wide range of geospatial data, including premium maps and addressing from Ordnance Survey (OS) and Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland (OSNI).

viaEuropa was a past winner in the OS MasterMap category of the British Cartographic Society (BCS) Awards.

The new cartographic styling includes many subtle changes with meticulous attention to detail. The number of styles has more than doubled, resulting in rich, detailed mapping at all scales and a cleaner look overall.

This new cartography is data independent and can be applied to any base map product at any scale. It has already been applied to OS and OSNI data to form complete coverage of the entire United Kingdom.

viaEuropa is available in a number of subscription packages and can be purchased directly or, for public sector organisations, through the new G-Cloud 14 framework.

Founder & Director of Europa Technologies, Warren Vick, commented, “We are delighted to roll out this fresh, upgraded cartography on our viaEuropa maps. Our goal is to provide the best possible visualisation of premium data products from OS and OSNI and we are committed to continue our innovation in this field”.

For more information on the viaEuropa data-as-a-service (DaaS) platform, visit:

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